Hello, thank you for being here.
In embodied social justice, we envision a world where all bodies live with dignity and agency. We honour all racial, cultural and gender identities. We advocate for racial justice, cultural justice, reproductive justice, gendered justice, disability justice, mental health justice, environmental justice, and migrant justice. We actively work on decolonizing healthcare and education spaces and prioritize collective care, liberation, and freedom. We believe in healing-centered and trauma-responsive healing.
My specialty is in facilitating individualized trainings and workshops, transformative mediation sessions and coaching for health and wellness practitioners, educators, and organizations to:
Equip all staff with tools to become actively anti-racist and anti-oppressive through understanding power dynamics and inequities the the workspace.
Understand how some bodies carry power and privilege, while others do not - And how this impacts well-being.
Eliminate harmful microaggressions, racism, and discrimination endured by Black, Indigenous, racialized, queer, trans, disabled and equity-deserving staff.
Move beyond cognitive learning and explore ways that systems of oppression live in our bodies.
Create community and workplaces that are healing-centered, culturally-intentional, and trauma-responsive.
Understand decolonization, systemic injustice and systems of white supremacy.
Practice communication that centres humanity, empathy, accountability, and collective healing.
Implement transformative and restorative meditation practices when harm has occurred in the workplace

Embodied Social Justice Acknowledges That:
Advocacy and healing are interwoven together and are inseparable. We need both to truly achieve freedom and liberation.
Social justice and decolonizing is heart-centered work, and that bodies and nervous systems are deeply impacted by oppression, power, and systems of white supremacy.
Black, Indigenous, racialized, trans, queer, disabled and other equity-deserving individuals cannot permanently experience “safety” in their bodies and nervous systems when anticipating the next microaggression, racist remark, exclusionary practice or violent act.
Interested in Working Together? Explore More Here:

I’d Love to Hear from You.
For questions, or to inquire about my services, please reach me using the form below: